Terms of use
General Information
1.1. The terms and conditions of purchase apply to orders of service provisions within the delivery of digital aids made through Mobilize Me’s webshop.
Mobilize Me Aps
Åbogade 15
8200 Aarhus N
VAT: 34208077
How to Place an Order
2.1. You can purchase a license for one or more of our tools through the Mobilize Me webshop. We require the following information in order to set you up as a customer:
Name (the person to be registered as a user) Existing username (if applicable) Email address Billing address: Street name, house number, postal code, city EAN and municipal contact person must be provided when purchasing through assistive device subsidies. By completing a purchase, you also accept our privacy policy.
2.2. If you need to associate additional support persons, called “planners,” with the ordered service provision, we will also need the names and email addresses of these individuals. However, these persons will only receive a login once we have received confirmation from them that we may use their information to create an account for them.
When adding a monthly subscription to your cart, you will also select the number of months you wish to pay for. It is your responsibility to ensure that you purchase additional access when those months have elapsed.
2.3. You will receive an order confirmation via email immediately after placing your order.
3.1. We create subscriptions in our system on an ongoing basis, and you will typically have access to the ordered service provision within 24 hours after we have received your order.
3.2. Longer processing times may occur during weekends and public holidays.
4.1. The price for the service provisions follows Mobilize Me’s current prices, as stated on the website www.mobilize-me.com and in our webshop, at the time the company confirms your order.
4.2. Lifetime subscriptions will be invoiced only once.
Cancellation Policy
If you wish to cancel your purchase, you must notify us within 14 days.
Please use the following form and send it to kontakt@mobilize-me.com
I/We () hereby cancel the contract for the purchase of the following item(s) () entered into by me/us () Order number: Ordered on ()/received on (*) User name: Date: Once we have received your cancellation, we will send you a confirmation. Your payment will then be refunded. It may take up to 10 days for the funds to be returned to your account.
Personal Data
6.1. We retain your data (as described in section 2.1) and information about the service provisions you have purchased for 5 years from the end of the current fiscal year. This is done to comply with accounting regulations. After this period, the information will be deleted.
6.2. Information is not disclosed or sold to third parties unless it is related to a restructuring or a complete or partial sale of the company. Any disclosure in such a situation will comply with the applicable personal data legislation at any given time.
6.3. As a customer, you have the right to access our records of your data. You can object to a registration in accordance with the rules set forth in the Personal Data Processing Act. Any inquiries in this regard should be directed to kontakt@mobilize-me.com.
6.4. For further information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Få en uforpligtende præsentation
Vi afholder gerne en online præsentation af vores værktøjer for fagpersonale på skoler, institutioner og lignende. Det gør jer klogere på, hvordan vores værktøjer kan hjælpe jer og jeres borld vores gere, og vi bliver klogere på jeres udfordringer. Udfyld vores kontaktformular, så tager Dorthe kontakt til jer.